Pretraga: Oglasi u Igračke | Igre > Društvene igre > Ostalo


Lidl Fresh Heads klikeri - Lepa

Nova, cena je za samo jednu. Sa slike.

BJ (1 )


Zmija i merdevine

Sa slike.

BJ (1 )


TMNT - KOMPLET IDEA - igra i album

Nindža kornjača imamo popunjen album sa svih 36 kartica, album je u odličnom stanju s tim da je par kupona sečeno. Ima 5 figurica i jednu kockicu. Cena za ovaj navede...

BJ (1 )


18 rezultata. Prikazani su rezultati od 1 do 18
Shadow Hunters / Y.Ikeda BoardGame / Z-Man/ Veoma retko

Shadow Hunters / Y.Ikeda BoardGame / Z-Man/ Veoma retkoShadow Hunters Yasutaka Ikeda Z-Man Games 2011 Board Game Complete With ExtrasRazlog zasto je ovaj boardgame toliko...

Cvex13 (0)


SF role-playing game: ALTERNITY / Drustvena igra

SF role-playing game: ALTERNITY / Drustvena igra#1 Alternity Player's Handbook (Alternity Sci-Fi Roleplaying, Core Book) - Hardcover 4000din#2 Alternity Gamemaster Guide ...

Cvex13 (0)


Warhammer 40k Lot / 5 knjiga / Drustvena igra

Warhammer 40k Lot / 5 knjiga / Drustvena igra#1 Warhammer 40k: Codex Drukhari (5.000din)#2 Warhammer 40k: Munitorum Field Manual 2019 edition (1200din)#3 Warhammer 40k: K...

Cvex13 (0)


WarHammer lot / 3 knjige / Drustvena igra

WarHammer lot / 3 knjige / Drustvena igra#1 Warhammer Generals Handbook 2017#2 Warhammer Generals Handbook 2018#3 Age of Sigmar / Storm StrikeCena za sve 3 je 6000din, po...

Cvex13 (0)


Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set / Drustvena igra

Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set / Drustvena igraMalo je kutija savijena u levom donjem uglu, ostalo je u odlicnom stanju.Another board-game format introduction to the ...

Cvex13 (0)


D&D Player’s Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebook)

D&D Player’s Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebook)About this itemThe essential rulebook for Dungeons & Dragons (5th edition)Contains all the rules you...

Cvex13 (0)


Jordenheim RPG - Core Rule Book / Drustvena Igra

Jordenheim RPG - Core Rule Book / Drustvena Roleplay IgraInside these pages, you will discover a Viking-themed universe of myth and magic. Create compelling characters in...

Cvex13 (0)


GM's Pack SLA Industries 2nd Edition Board Game

GM's Pack SLA Industries 2nd Edition Board GameThis is a Nightfall Games WFGSLA203 GM's Pack (GM's Screen) for use with the SLA Industries roleplaying game.Neotpakovano

Cvex13 (0)


Star Trek RPG Adventures Book / Drustvena igra

Star Trek RPG Adventures Book / Drustvena Roleplay igraModiphius Star Trek Adventures Shackleton Expanse Campaign GuideNeotpakovana

Cvex13 (0)


EXPANSE Roleplay game: Ships of the Expanse Book

EXPANSE Roleplay game: Ships of the Expanse BookDrustvena igraGreen Ronin Publishing Ships of The Expanse

Cvex13 (0)


Roleplay Game Book: After The War / Drustvena Igra

Roleplay Game Book: After The War / Drustvena IgraAfter the War is a science fiction roleplaying game of memetic horror.Ten year after the galactic war, millions of survi...

Cvex13 (0)


SUPERHERO Roleplaying Game: Galaxies in Peril / Drustena Igra

SUPERHERO Roleplaying Game: Galaxies in Peril / Drustvena IgraGalaxies in Peril is a tabletop roleplaying game about a team of superheroes trying to wrest back control fr...

Cvex13 (0)


Justice League: Hero Dice – Batman / Drustena Igra

Justice League: Hero Dice – Batman / Drustena IgraWith this BATMAN set for HERO DICE you join the Justice League as the Dark Knight.Gather your friends around you, roll...

Cvex13 (0)


Lidl Fresh Heads klikeri - Lepa

Nova, cena je za samo jednu. Sa slike.

BJ (1 )


Zmija i merdevine

Sa slike.

BJ (1 )


Sunđer Bob - KOMPLET IDEA - igra i album

Sunđer Bob ima svih 8 figurica u ananasu, jednog gumenog Patrika, kockicu i tragove korišćenja na igrici i papiru s pravilima. I album ima tragove korišćenja, u albu...

BJ (1 )


TMNT - KOMPLET IDEA - igra i album

Nindža kornjača imamo popunjen album sa svih 36 kartica, album je u odličnom stanju s tim da je par kupona sečeno. Ima 5 figurica i jednu kockicu. Cena za ovaj navede...

BJ (1 )